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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Question for long retired MT.. (Views: 37)

Wow, girl. Who crapped in your cornflakes. You accuse - others of exactly what you are doing

Posted: Jul 28th, 2024 - 2:02 pm In Reply to: Or the OP is telling what they have experienced - and

Your post full of nothing but insults, bizarre off-the-wall- comments, and abuse.Pretty sure you are not an MT, legal scribe, or CR.

New flash for you honey; no one has to have permission from you about what to post. Your personal inane rant is your way of trying to "control, manipulate, and intimidate" anyone with a different POV than yours.

You appear to have some very serious anger issues, which should be addressed somewhere other than this board. Your jealousy seems to have consumed you.


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