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Lucky you! There's no rejection, just a lot of BS with doing - legal

Posted: Jul 18th, 2024 - 9:16 am In Reply to: I do court reporting and have for a great number of years. - Sad you work for such low quality company

when the CR don't do their own job and you're doing the entire thing for them. Your experience is apparently different than mine, so I'm not going to "throw shade" on you since you have had a better experience. What I've posted is my fact and what I've experienced. Obviously, I'm one damn good transcriptionist to put together reports that a CR cannot do or doesn't desire to do. I work as a legal transcriptionist. There is no rejection going on here for me. If there was, I wouldn't be doing this job and posting some of the inherent things that go on with court reporters. Beware of taking this type of work, as you're going to be doing the majority of the work!


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