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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Posts.. (Views: 49)

Too many of you act like big babies, looking for any reason - to be offended. Put your big girl panties on

Posted: Jul 19th, 2024 - 9:09 am In Reply to: Man, you people are brutal with the snotty comments - sm

You don't like a post, skip it. You don't like your job, work on getting a new one. Why should any ADULT rely on someone else to find work for them.

Maybe you aren't aware the Internet opens up a lot of possibilities. There is absolutely no excuse for anyone not being able to find what they need to improve their skill set or job.

Too many on here have the entitlment mentality and the let-me-be-offended-by-everything mentality, rather than being a grown up and accepting you are where you are because of your choices.


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