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Since MaxScribe utilizes Phoenix OnDemand voice recognition - there would

Posted: Jul 22nd, 2024 - 8:59 am In Reply to: As you, people can post whatever they like. Seems you are - not aware, but using one function

be no need to transcribe from a CR's notes. The CR's notes are included in the MaxScribe document for review. The audio is captured by the VR, thereby allowing one to edit the document from the speech picked up from the VR program in MaxScribe. The OP does not indicate that a document is being edited by a VR program. It clearly states the CR's notes. There are some doing legal transcription who transcribe just from notes and type the entire document without the aid of having all the words on the screen, such as when using MaxScribe and editing a document that already has all the words on the document that do not have to be typed, as they are already in place.


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