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What do you expect, you people attack a person - and then

Posted: Jul 19th, 2024 - 7:03 am In Reply to: Well, that is not what this thread was. It was one person - making a statement as if all

when they try to defend themself, you keep on attacking. This statement "Sounds to me like you were rejected by legal companies for not being up to standard and able to perform the job duties and posted this garbage since none of your post rings true." is an attack on a person. You can call it boasting, but if you're going to be attacked in that way, you're going to be defensive. Legal transcription companies are no different than medical transcription companies, put someone's ass in the seat so the job gets done and they can make their money. "High-octane, well-established, high-paying, professional organization," is just another company out there making a buck off a typist. You're trained to read the CR's notes, put the right speaker in the position, and type like a monkey like the rest of us. It's a typist's job. It requires you're not an idiot and you're not going to type than rather than then, etc. You don't know all the courter reporters in the US, you haven't typed all the CRs in the US, you haven't worked for every legal transcription company in the US, so your experience is different than someone else's. No need to personally attack someone about theirs and that's what's being done when you personally talk to someone as though they have no idea what they are doing in their job because they gave a negative review about court reporters.


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