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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Posts.. (Views: 49)

And you resort to name calling and abuse simply - because you, by your own admission,

Posted: Jul 18th, 2024 - 10:05 am In Reply to: Yeah, you're just a ball buster taking offense to something - because

you choose to work in a sub-par company with low standards. Bullying all you.

If you knew what you were doing, you don't need CR notes to know which atty is speaking; they are helpful, but not necessary.

Just seems you want to bring everyone down to your level and will bully, berate, name call, abuse, and insult to get the result you want. You don't like the answer; so, you resort to insults and abuse.

When you get pushback on your goofy, unsubstantiated, mostly false claims, you strike out. Sounds more like a psychological deficit. If you spent as much time working on your abilities instead of posting your inane, snotty posts, maybe you, too, would have a great job at a great company with great people and great pay.

You're blaming other for your shortcomings.

So you keep up with your misrepresentations of the field. Those of us that actually know what goes on, realize your inabilities for exactly what they are, and the fact that you feel the need to abuse posters to reduce them to your level.

Have a good day -- seems you need one.


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