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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Yeah, you're just a ball buster taking offense to something - because

Posted: Jul 18th, 2024 - 9:43 am In Reply to: Again, bad mouthing others because you work in a poor - environment does not change the facts

it makes you feel good to bully someone. Come down off your high horse. I've typed many, many, many CRs, and the majority of them are the same. Sure, if you want to type the whole deposition, then you don't need notes, but then I'm not sure how you would know who was speaking in what position and who was making an objection or not. CR notes are essential. I'm not there. It would be really hard to decipher which attorney was which without them. An excuse my ass. And again, go on with bullying me if you feel the need to, but the unprofessionalism and neglective from CRs I've experienced is astronomical. It's their job and essential that they capture the record and try to do it correctly, so no notes in my mind would say they didn't do their job!


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