A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Nuance QC Compensation Plan - Admin

Posted: May 16, 2015

At Nuance, the caste system THRIVES. The deception of this company is criminal. For the last year, the QCs were required to meet the company standard metrics of 150+ LPH, quality of 99% or higher, schedule adherence of 99%. If you failed to meet any portion of the metrics one week, you received a verbal warning; two weeks, you were moved to the Performance Action Plan.

On 5/4/2015, we received our individual QA Weekly Scorecard; we also received the QC Compensation Plan on the same day. With no warning whatsoever that such a plan was even on the drawing table, nevermind already set to stone, we now had a little over 2 weeks to realign our financial portfolios; our livelihoods literally ripped out from under us. The transition between compensation plans personally translated to a 60% reduction in my pay, to take effect 5/23/2015. Where 150 LPH was once considered 'in the green' and afforded the hourly rate at which I was hired, the new plan converted this to $6.40/hr, less than my state's minimum wage (even with a continued 100% quality score).

The plan has been described to us as being focused on 'quality, not production.' It is described as 'simple and transparent.' You make the call.

A typed line is equal to 1 line, whereas an SR (edited) line or QA line is equal to only 0.5; in other words, with SR and QA, where you once were 'in the grid' processing 150 LPH, you now are credited for only 75 LPH (x8 hours = 600 lines). NOTE: The grid only starts at 720 LPH where you earn $0.008/line. And yes, you can earn up to $0.1705 per line, that is, if you produce 2080 to 8000 error-free lines per day. No problem, right? For the non-Nuance readers, please note QA is required to proof to sound every report they touch. QA receives the worst of the worst reports, the ones even our best MLS cannot submit to the client. Up until the new compensation plan, QA employees worked solely in QA. We will now be required to switch between QA, SR and typing, at a moment's notice. And forget having simply a secondary and primary account to work between; we are responsible for all accounts in our book of business.

As for simplicity, these are the factors you must calculate for your weekly paycheck:

Day Shift (6:00 AM - 7:59 PM)

Night Shift (8:00 PM - 12:00 AM)

Overnight shift (12:01 AM - 5:59 AM)

Total Converted All Line

Day Shift Factor

Night Shift Factor

Overnight Shift Factor

Add: Shift Factor Line Adjustment

QC Lines for Platform Factor

Add: Platform Factor Line Adjustment

Total Compensable Line


Compensation Line Rate

Estimated Weekly Earning before MUP

Equivalent Hourly Rate

Resident State Minimum Hourly Rate

Add: Minimum Wage Supplement (if applicable)

Total Estimated Weekly Gross Earning:


Justice will be served, VILLAINS OF NUANCE.




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I am SO DISGUSTED by this company I can barely think straight. The newest incarnation of the pay grid means I am losing approx $700 PER MONTH! It is absolutely outrageous that this can go on. What infuriates me to NO END is the mantras of "the industry is changing" and "at least you can be at home for your kids". That may be true, HOWEVER, the hospitals are still paying the MTSOs the SAME THING if not MORE, yet the employees wages steadily decline. Which only means one thing--management on up are the only ones not in poverty. Not the people actually DOING THE WORK! And I'm not going to have a home to stay in for my kids with the slave wages this company pays. I have taken a second job AWAY FROM MY KIDS to be able to make ends meet, even though I'm working the SAME full-time hours I always have, doing the SAME quality work I always have. I'm going to blow a fuse next week when the rah, rah, rahs come from the TSMs about how we are the bestest ever and what we do is soooo important and we are sooo valued. Are you frickin' KIDDING ME?!?!

how can this happen? - sm

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I am begging ALL of you-file for underemployment NOW! Do not put it off. In my state, I had two typing jobs, 1 full-time, 1 part time. I was fired from the first (after LESS than a month). I assumed that since I still had a job, if only part-time, I could not apply for unemployment. Well, a simple phone call to the UE office changed that. I filled out a claim and was awarded unemployment. Yes, even with my part-time job! UE takes the last 4 quarters of your earnings (in my state) to determine how MUCH you qualify for. If you are losing $700 a MONTH in wages, FILE!!!

The auditing systems if tainted. To base wages - on ONE report min per week

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is not fair in any way, shape or form. I think they do this because they don't have the qualified staff to perform QA audits, so if ONE report can be found that puts your score below the necessary requirement on the grid, they are done with you for the week. Someone else, they may have to audit several reports to get you below that golden score. There is no other company out there that bases one's quality on ONE report. This is not legal and I intend to look into this with an attorney.

Just as Nuance without blinking an eye avoids the states' labor laws when it comes to OOW and breaks, etc., they are really setting themselves up big time with this one.

This will eventually be known in the industry as the grid scandal.

Keep us posted about the legal challenge - SoonToBeExQC

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I'm sure they have already had a million of their attorneys finding ways to sleaze out of paying us a living wage and creating loopholes to keep us at minimum wage, but more power to you. I have a job interview Monday, hope to be out of this fiasco. Nobody can do any kind of financial planning where one error can put you down to minimum wage for the week. Ridiculous.

QC - tmt

[ In Reply To ..]
Nuance thinks we are morons! NOPE!

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