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Webmedx,Subsidiary of Nuance compensation decision. - WEBMT

Posted: Dec 04, 2011

I have read a few posts not only about the future compensation worries at Nuance for us "Webbers" but also mentioning the former CEO for Webmedx. I have worked for this man even before my Webmedx days. To me, he always seemed to have taken pride in his position as he talked about why he felt Webmedx was so successful due to low employee turn around and an open door policy in communication with same. Training was superb, the community page which enhanced employee recognition-data made many of us feel good even when we were down with all the voice recognition changes that were going on. A lot of us always had hope that we could do better with this CEO at the helm.

I believe the former Webmedx CEO recently made promises about company programmers working around the clock to bring the Webmedx employees that stayed with him through this buy out with Nuance a much better VR program (Escription ?) that will benefit our voice recognition production. Hopefully this VR program will make up for what we have lost going back to native VR after learning M*Modal VR  but future salaries as well. Now all eyes are on him and Nuance to see if those promises will be full filled with the "Webbers" that have stayed .

Please do the right thing Nuance and show us that you back what your new transcription leader (the "Webs" CEO) is really worth to you with his promises. Do not cut our pay while we are still on this old native VR program and at least wait for any reviews or salary adjustments to take place after the promised program (Escrition ?) materializes for us.
The decision your company makes on this matter will deeply reflect on the future morality of many Webmedx employees in the way we view our leader, our future work habits, and the ability to stay on with you.


It makes me laugh that you think they are - going to care one bit

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... if you stay or go. To Nuance, you are a nameless, faceless entity bought from Webmedx like a piece of furniture. These. Companies. Do. Not. Care.

Your plea to Nuance/Webmedx re pay cuts - Annie Oakley

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Have you read this article by a representative of m-modal? It tells the truth of our situation, only our situation has another side to it, the one you mentioned regarding our platform. So we are might get screwed twice at the same time.

Web/Nuance - ex-webbie

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I was a loyal employee for 5 years. I LOVED working there, and I was even accused of being a "suit" on this board, and I wasn't saying glowing things, but just saying I was happy and could make good money. But, I have absolutely no faith in this company or their promises now. They fired wonderful managers who had a long-term track record of working hard and being loyal to the company. They cut managerial staff, trimmed their costs, cut our salaries, all right before selling to Nuance. My brother is involved in acquisitions and told me that he believed their actions pointed to them "trimming the fat" in order to sell. He said he felt pretty confident that within 6 months we would be sold, and I should seriously consider getting another job. They planned this. They didn't care about us, it's all about the money. I really am sorry for those left who are believing these promises. I really hope they keep some of them for your sakes, but I don't trust them at all.

Does WMX still have TE as operations director? nm - Former Webbie.

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Yes, but title has changed. - no message

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WM did me a favor - longtimemt

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A year ago September I was one who received a wonderful e-mail telling me my services were no longer needed. At the time I was furious, hurt, felt worthless, then I spoke with a counselor at the unemployment office who told me it sounded like an acquisition was taking place, I was highly paid and feel I was let go to help get the budget down and everything in line for a sell out. The counselor told me the trend is to get rid of anyone making higher wages and keep the newer, lower paid employees in place. Lo and behold it did happen and from reading the posts on this board I am one who is very happy I was long gone and with another service by the time WM sold to Nuance.
And at the same time you were fired, they - alana
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were busy acquiring the hospital I worked for. This hospital decided to go with them because WMX "kept their promises." So far, they haven't kept any of their promises. Never saw a bigger bunch of buffoons for managers. In fact, they're all so terrible it seems it might be one person doing the work of many and just putting different names on the emails. Then again, the hospital gets what they pay for.
And they said they would call back those they laid off. - wdwnwf
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I haven't heard from a single person who was laid off and was called back when new accounts came on board. I don't trust anything they say.

webmedx, subsidiary - willow

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I totally agree with you. It was once a very nice place to work with employee reoognition and they were proud that they didn't outsource. Now it has become like everywhere else, all about the money and not the employees. Shame on you Webmedx. I would tell anyone to run far away from here. It has become like working in a sweatshop

I've no doubt that that he'll keep his word. But I know... - see message

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...from experience that it can take what feels like a very a long time for platform development to come to fruition. Any time there is a change to the platform it impacts not only MTs, but all the hospitals that use the system. Lots of gears in motion in the background.

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