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Nuance CEO compensation... - former Nuancian

Posted: May 05, 2014

Saw this today. Apparently CEO of Nuance, Paul Ricci, made around $29 million last year. Makes me sick that when I was there I was barely making minimum wage after being an MT for 15 years. The article talks about how he was compensated too much even though stocks were dropping. I think the more important point is how the MTs have been treated. THAT never reaches the article of course. 



THAT never reaches the article because its not about people. - Its about the company finances.

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what a strange statement to make. You read a FINANCIAL article about the business and expect it to be about work conditions?

Not want I mean - former Nuancian

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I guess I worded that wrong in my frustration. I meant that there aren't articles about the work conditions, not that it was not included in this financial article. They talk about the CEO compensation all the time, but you never hear about crappy treatment of bottom rung people, and that's not just in the MT field.

VR's only function was to cut MT salaries. - Do you realize the power you have to just refuse t

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Who better than women to financially devastate because they are betting that MTs will happily take a beating and not do anything about it.

Total Executive Compensation (millions)

2010 $27.7 2011 $32.4 2012 $55.3

Let's keep in mind this compensation package is for only five individuals.

The MT industry is in the toilet and they are counting on you to eat the crap you're served with a smile on your face and not a peep from your mouth.

Why MTs take it is beyond me. At our service, we are paid the same whether it is VR or straight transcription.

Paid the same for VR and transcription - What service?

[ In Reply To ..]
You mention that "at our service, we are paid the same whether it is VR or straight transcription." What service do you work for?

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