A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Looks like they are feeling the impact of angry and/or exiting MTs. I got E-mail about the 99% used if no audits done and they are back tracking on that now. I heard they were going back on reducing some platforms by the 88%. That totally sucked for them to just throw that in as an afterthought. "Oh, by the way, we forgot to tell you...."
I do appreciate that we got back the weekend differential, tiny though it may be. That is the ONLY good thing I can say.
Still actively looking to get away from this company. Remember, we still haven't heard what they are going to do with the PTO situation.
Please, those who have already resigned or left, be sure and do the exit interview and tell them exactly why. Some of us are stuck here until we can find a better gig.
All those newbies can't be hired and trained and productive immedately. Let's see how that works for Nuance.
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays despite Nuance's attempts to drag us down.