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Fellow MTs, QAs, QA for ILPs please help piece together - what has been happening

Posted: May 15th, 2016 - 9:48 pm

Have been here more than 9 years.  Would like to write on this and try to spread the word.  I believe a lot of doctors are fed up with their point and click electronic medical records.  I think many of them are just as burned out and unhappy with the state of electronic medical records as we are.  Help me piece together the facts about their U.S. MTs and what has happened to us in the past decade, salary wise, outsourcing, offshoring, slash in pay.  I need facts.

I would love to hear from people QA'ing the ILPs work.  I would love to hear from any of you, what has happened to you, and how you feel about it.  I will not EVER share anything that could give away anyone's identity unless specifically given permission to do so!

I am an employee here at MM almost a decade, and I have been doing MT work 19 years, and I am not just saddened and angered by what has happened to this field, but I am completely blown away at what a huge secret this is.  NO ONE, absolutely no one I know, and that includes not only my neighbors but the providers themselves, seems to have any idea what has happened to their transcriptionists, the quality of the ILPs, even that their work is being offshored in the first place.  Most non-medical people are horrified at the thought that their private medical records are being offshored.  Someone told me recently that even the IRS is offshoring!  It's gone past ridiculous.  How has this not become an issue in the U.S.? 

I would like to get the word out.  You may say it won't do any good, and I will not argue.  But let's get the word out anyway, let's tell our story.  I will try to be the voice, and you tell me your stories.  It's possible none of you will want to, but I put this out there for any of you that do...

For those of you content to move on, or just quietly tough things out, however things turn out, I understand and wish you the best of luck.  Wishing the same for me, though in fact considering going back to school here in my 50s.  But I feel like, either way, there is a story here that should not remain buried forever.

Again, I would never in a million years EVER say anything to reveal your identity.  I would refer to myself as having been an independent contractor and worked for an MTSO.  I am not a professional speaker or writer, just someone who feels like she might want to write an article and see if she can start by finding someone online who works with doctors who might want to publish it online, etc.  But if you know anyone who has a story to tell, even if it's only a paragraph about frustration, or even if you are still happy as an MT, I would love to hear about it, and what happened, and why.  The more facts, the better, of course.  For example:

What are the ILPs really like quality wise?  If you are informed about this at all, what is your impression of what is happening in the industry in terms of offshoring?  How do you feel about your salary being slashed with the arrival of VR? (I have a few choice words.)  How do you feel the above might affect patient safety?  Or physician safety (in terms of potential lawsuits from errors)?  What is your personal story as an MT and how has it been working out?  Do you think we need to spread the word?  Is there a story here to be told?

Anyone want to try to piece all this together with me?  I'd even appreciate help with the timelines!  Anonymously, of course!

You are all fighting the good fight.  Thanks in advance for any feedback.



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