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Actually the first response said that - when she said

Posted: May 17th, 2016 - 11:28 am In Reply to: Nobody thinks that, she said she MADE that - we DO deserve more though

and I'm paraphrasing,"transcription used to be a high paying job and deserved to be." I'm always disappointed by the lack of insight of some people when I post here. Yes, everyone would like to make $80,000 a year, but when you think of how many transcriptionists a hospital employees (ours employees 15) that would be $1,200,000 A YEAR just in salaries, not to mention cost of insurance, paid holidays -- do you SEE why a hospital would outsource? Our transcriptionists make $15 an hour, which equals about $30,000 a year. We have paid holidays and vacation as well as decent insurance. We have tried outsourcing our overflow -- it was costly and the quality was horrible. We had to pull one person off just to check each report and there were so many complaints from the doctors that we have never outsourced again. So THAT'S why I keep saying $80,000 is unsustainable but you guys just keep unliking everything I post -- I've seen the business side of the situation as well, and making $80,000 a year was great for you... in the short term, but it's also brought about the situation you are in now, by causing your jobs to be outsourced. And now let all the hating on me begin.


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