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M*Modal Today's Top Viewed: What I Did.. (Views: 33)

timeline - JuneBugMTMS

Posted: May 15th, 2016 - 10:59 pm In Reply to: Fellow MTs, QAs, QA for ILPs please help piece together - what has been happening

I don't want to discourage you, but I am afraid we have been quiet too long for something like this to make a difference. I do wish you the best of luck with your endeavor and applaud you wanting to take this on. I have to admit I have fantasized a time or two about 60 Minutes or Dateline or even Undercover Boss doing a show about the industry, but I don't know how to convince someone that the public cares enough about the industry to take on the investigation.

I am not sure what information I could give you that you are not already privilege to with your length of time in the business and being employed at MM. The archives here on the forum contain loads of information on how we all feel, what has happened to our salaries, as well as our mounting frustrations trying to pay our bills and juggle family time with schedule changes, etc. I will give it some thought and try to send you a brief statement about my personal story by email.


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