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12 yrs ago made almost 70,000 last year just over - 24,000, looking at bankruptcy

Posted: May 16th, 2016 - 2:52 pm In Reply to: I used to make $80,000/yr, just filed bankruptcy - my story is all over these archives. nm

too. Trying to hold out until I retire in under 2 years, but I don't think I'll be able to do it. I've had to live on charge cards and now owe them almost 30,000. I don't own a car and a share a house with a couple of friends just to make ends meet. I'm too old for this. A couple of doctors I go to have their work sent overseas and know it. The cardiologist has a point and click set up and hates it. He wishes he could go back to using us but apparently cannot. I don't understand what is stopping him, he just said they couldn't do it. Just get me through the next 2 years and then I'll try to find a part time transcribing job to make ends meet. Good luck to us all.


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