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Nobody thinks that, she said she MADE that - we DO deserve more though

Posted: May 17th, 2016 - 10:47 am In Reply to: I did not mention a lot of professions - My comment was not

Personally, I have made $65,000 one year. Lots of overtime and lots and lots of hours that year. I deserved it.

I knew they were going to try to nickel and dime us with the offshoring, but I never imagined they would do it to such an extent.

But I guess the business model for MTSOs is go as far as you possibly can, we MTs are just line items to be reduced for the shareholder meeting, which is why we now see lph requirements being raised so they can avoid paying minimum wage. Shameful.

I personally feel the going rate should be $15 per hour, which I do not make now. There are so many variables involved with production pay, also it seems like all the best dictators go to the electronic methods and we are left with the garbage, so very difficult to make that now.

I am not saying we should be paid hourly, I am just saying it should be a lot easier to make $15/hr and most of us should be making that without killing ourselves.


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