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what's happening - kcmt

Posted: May 16th, 2016 - 9:01 am In Reply to: Fellow MTs, QAs, QA for ILPs please help piece together - what has been happening

My opinion based on what I knew when I worked in a multi-physician office.

1 - Insurance companies are cutting the amounts they will reimburse for healthcare, which means reduced payments for providers.

2 - Malpractice insurance is ridiculously expense due to all the lawsuits, warranted or not....most of them not.

3 - Healthcare providers are forced to cut costs anywhere they can. As we all know, in corporate settings (like most hospitals have become) the actual healthcare professionals are not the ones making the decisions.

I left working in an office about 10 years ago, and EMR was just becoming a "thing." I do know the doctors I worked for were absolutely not in favor of it. My PCP now does his own typing right there in the room with me. He knows what I do for a living and he jokes with me that it would be much faster if I would just type it.


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