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Of course you are on production - You got paid more per line

Posted: May 16th, 2016 - 10:53 am In Reply to: If she made $80,000 a year - she earned every penny of it.

twenty years ago. I understand how it works. I also understand how supply and demand works. You were overpaid because transcriptionists were hard to find. Now, especially with voice recognition, demand is down. I don't believe 4-6 cents a line is fair, as many MTSO's are paying currently, but if you were making $80,000 you were getting paid a pretty good rate per line, and if you didn't put any of that way for a rainy day, that was foolish. You can't expect that kind of pay for a transcription job. If you are waiting for that to come back ... it isn't going to happen.


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