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what a transcriptionist makes - suthern girl

Posted: May 17th, 2016 - 12:24 am In Reply to: No, the objection is that you are saying - that a transcriptionist

I made no such claim that we should make more than firefighters or policeman. I think firefighters ought to be paid millions, but I didn't make the rules. I simply said that work done mainly by women is lower paying, and that is a fact. And it is underappreciated, and that is a fact, too. As far the trsnscriptinist that made $80,000.00 a year, maybe she had her own accounts. I did at one point and was making 1 grand a week. So much has changed, (drum roll), and now it is being outsourced. Now there are workers out of work consistently with NJA readings. By the way, you didn't mention teachers' (many without the resources they need), pay, who are responsible for our most precious assets. But again, women's work!


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