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Docs didn't used to be "rich" just middle class - all smiles

Posted: May 16th, 2016 - 1:54 pm In Reply to: what's happening - kcmt

My relative was a doc, graduated in 1960. Not until 1965 when Medicare came about could anybody really afford to go to the doctor. Plus, there was very little medical care to be had (no CTs, etc.).

Doctors expected to be middle class to upper middle class. Now, even the FPs are rising into the upper middle class to "rich" socioeconomic ranks.

Hospitals did not have wifi, expensively decorated halls in the administrative wing, etc. They were hospitals where sick people went, usually to die.

These days, healthcare has become a luxury because the hospitals made it that way to attract those with better health insurance.

Where I live (I'm not kidding), one not for profit redid the floor from the park garage to the lobby and redid the floor on the OB-GYN wing, very very expensively I might add. The very next year, they redid the floor from the park garage to the lobby AGAIN, AND completely gutted the OB-GYN wing and remodeled the entire wing.

Patients are not wasting. Hospitals are. If they stopped this insane remodeling, etc. (what patient NEEDS wifi?) then perhaps costs would realign.

But, the hospitals, especially the not-for-profit ones, will not scale back on this idiotic remodeling, building new unneeded wings, etc.

Further, there has become an insane amount of sheer extorsion on the part of the providers. I have a condition that causes very extreme fatigue, has NOTHING to do with my heart. Every time it gets worse, they repeat the (previously 3 times normal) Myoview Stress test. They will do nothing else for me until they have gouged me to the tune of $4000 to $5000.

This has to stop. Patients are not causing this, the healthcare system is causing this.

Please don't rant and rave about malpractice, protecting themselves, etc. I am personally aware of how very very difficult it is to retain an attorney to sue a physician for clear malpractice. The reason is that medical practice is a "group" thing and who actually really did the malpractice, so the jury is left wondering who really is on the hook for it.


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