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There was NEVER a case where everybody - made $80,000 each and caused outsourcing

Posted: May 17th, 2016 - 11:33 am In Reply to: Actually the first response said that - when she said

In fact, when I was making big money, I was actually working for an MTSO, NOT in-house, and no, we did not force them to outsource or offshore because we worked so hard and made decent pay!

When we made good money, you have to realize it wasn't a staff of MTs each making that, it was each man for himself and if you wanted to do a lot you could do it, if not you probably made $35-40,000 anyway just working 40 hours a week.

Your transcriptionists making $15 an hour are lucky, and that is all I want. But to say that we brought about this situation is patently untrue.


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