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Questions - MT

Posted: May 19th, 2016 - 8:05 pm In Reply to: This isn't Medicine - Twinsmom25

Twinsmom, this is very interesting. I do have a few questions. What do you think the doctor's would like to see happen? If they could magically create an ideal situation, and also realistically - maybe less ideally, but within the realm of possibility - moving forward? Would they want to return to the days of in-house MTs? You say they spend time correcting MModal errors, and that saddens me as one of MModal's MTs of course. Is it souring them on MT work altogether, or do they miss their MTs and have a more negative opinion of MModal specifically? In spite of the errors, are they still glad to be able to dictate through MModal, or do you think they would rather go completely to a point-and-click system?


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