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This isn't Medicine - Twinsmom25

Posted: May 19th, 2016 - 6:30 pm In Reply to: Fellow MTs, QAs, QA for ILPs please help piece together - what has been happening

I work for a large multi-specialty clinic that is part of a larger network of hospitals, doing QA and editing the MModal work that comes back to us. I have also worked for MModal for several years in the past, so I have a good idea of both sides of the coin here. Our docs hate what medicine has become. They spend more time on documentation than they do with the patient. We've gone from a department of 20 fifteen years ago to just me now. My salary at MM had me under the poverty level for a while, even though I was at the computer for 16-17 hours a day hitting "next job," trying to get my line counts. I seriously felt like I had a mild case of PTSD after leaving MM with the money pressures and my editor hammering down on everything, even though she couldn't do the ESL docs we did (a carryover from the company where we worked that MM bought out) and had to ask us to listen to each other's questions! Our docs hate having to spend hours after patient care is finished in order to get documentation completed, filling in blanks, and correcting MM's errors such as drug errors, diagnosis errors, wrong dates of service entered on the demo screen. It's frightening, really. I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have.


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