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Our Docs - Twinsmom25

Posted: May 19th, 2016 - 9:13 pm In Reply to: Questions - MT

The doctors would definitely like to have in-house transcription again. They like knowing who is doing their work, and they like the quality we provided. An in-house transcription group can ask fellow MTs to listen to something when they have a question, and when you have a fewer number of MTs doing the work, you get very familiar with the dictator and his style, especially when you interact with him outside of doing his dictation. The doctors do not like MM because they may repeat the same phrases consistently, but one MT may get the phrase and the next MT does not. They get frustrated that basic terminology is misspelled or left blank. Even a year later, with my problem child doctor who only has 7 MTs doing his work, they can't get his routine phrases and leave blanks. Mistakes are made using, say, pulmonology words and drugs in dermatology dictation. Our docs have had the option to have their work outsourced before, to India actually, and were satisfied with it. Now, many who use MM are highly anticipating the Dragon Direct update that will happen in a couple weeks. They say if they have to correct blanks, they would rather dictate, see it on the screen, correct the blanks then and there, and be done with it. They do prefer some form of dictation rather than strict point-and-click. We are on Epic, so some of that is already in play.


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