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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: whatever happened to TTC?.. (Views: 47)

From what I've experienced....It's ALL of them - outofthere

Posted: Aug 17th, 2016 - 8:17 pm In Reply to: True but... - gh

They "say" the work is not routed in any way, but if they can tell you when begging for OT that they will put you on the stuff you "prefer" then, yes, indeed, they can route the work how they want it and when they want it. I've done work at all times of the day and night and it's funny that OP notes that are dictated earlier afternoon during the day are out of TAT by 7 p.m. at night, but yet, the easy jobs are all spoken for and by the supers. I'm about to graduate with my degree and floating around resumes and you can bet I will be gone the first chance I get. For the rest who need to stay I really hope the new guy ahead of it all takes notice and does something. That whole upper management of the transcription department really need to be gone or given some management classes.


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