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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 56)

What Kimber Said!!! Yes!! - Hamster

Posted: Aug 13th, 2016 - 1:46 pm In Reply to: I'm sorry, but you're a complete idiot - Kimber

Try a little compassion for your fellow co-workers. You can't see us but we all have faces and concerns, ALL of us. Maybe your only worry is that we might rock your boat and get some of your easy work. This is a forum to vent, see if others might be having the same issues or have some ideas for improving, maybe offer a little support to each other. This job is isolated and mentally taxing enough without needing to compete with each other like a pack of coyotes. Bottom line is it's only fair to have an even playing field. We all come with the needed qualifications to do the job and make the same CPL. The accounts and reports we do is all that varies -- that makes all the difference between making good money and barely making the line count minimum. So to the point of the original post - cherry picking and playing favorites both suck!


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