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It's all relative - no name

Posted: Aug 12th, 2016 - 5:21 pm In Reply to: I make plenty of money and the dictators are not hard at synernet - no name

You may work at the same place but all the work is not the same. Do you do acute care or rad? A lot of ops or few? Which pool are you in? Which facility does most of your work come from? How much of your work uses normals or templates? Do you get a lot of ESLs that are difficult? Do you get the more difficult ESLs enough that you get used to them quickly? And do you really believe that anyone spends so much time trying to figure out what's going on, why they aren't getting work they used to get, who's getting the easier/faster jobs, if there is some pattern to it all, why their paycheck is down, etc. on an ongoing basis that that in itself is why they are making less money? That would probably mean spending an hour or more of every single workday on that. I doubt that is happening. Now that I think of it, you didn't actually say that you are an MT. That could be the reason you make plenty of money and don't think the dictators are hard.


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