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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 44)

The issue is money - SynMT

Posted: Aug 13th, 2016 - 4:16 pm In Reply to: I make plenty of money and the dictators are not hard at synernet - no name

It doesn't take long to check and see what other people are doing, and it can be done before or after your shift anyway, so we are not wasting time. Besides, my issue is I've lost money over the past 2 years with all the changes they keep making and of course with "cherry picking." My base pay rate has dropped more than $2 since all this started, and I've calculated it out to a LOSS of $341 a month. That's a big chunk of money to lose, and it doesn't help that we don't get yearly raises in this kind of work, and the incentives are non-existent.


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