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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 39)

The system works if you can see how efficiently someone can do certain work types - Example

Posted: Aug 17th, 2016 - 5:39 pm In Reply to: that has to be the dumbest idea yet - so do what they can do fastest

If you're a construction worker and are hired for a specific job (cement finishing or brick laying) because you know what you're doing and you are quick and your quality is good but suddenly you're stuck doing plumbing. It's familiar but you've not been doing it for long and suddenly you cause the work to slow down and then you're rushed because your deadline Or turnaround for the job is soon, but because you are familiar you're causing a bottle neck and well, the deadline comes and the job isn't finished and the people you're contracted with aren't happy. So, yes,it makes more sense to split up the work with people who can get them out quickly and it doesn't sacrifice the quality. Looking for samples I can't believe the errors I've come across. Even one of the supervisor,lG, put "threw" in an OP note which was supposed to be "through."


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