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This is what is wrong with synernet - no name

Posted: Aug 12th, 2016 - 3:35 pm In Reply to: Synernet Cherry Picking AGAIN/STILL - SMH

And I am sure you are going to be nasty to me but this has to be said.

Instead of sitting there looking at what other people do all day and do your own work, you might get higher production. you act like children. this is what I hear from my kids all the time... but so and so got to do this and so and so did that. Guess what? They are in a higher position than you and though you may not like it, they have more privileges like choosing their work if that is what they do.

Instead of whining about it, just do your own work. They really hired way too many cry babies and I am sick of hearing a good place to work complained about constantly.

You have cherry pickers (name one place that doesnt). Oh it is too quiet, something has to be going on. Too many emails blah blah blah.

Really you have a job and you make money- great benefits. there are people out there homeless ... dying of cancer... and you are complaining about cherry picking - good grief


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