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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 55)

Actually, I used to get those quite often even with the pool changes so why - Not ethical

Posted: Aug 17th, 2016 - 3:17 pm In Reply to: Actually it depends on Turn around time- ERs go out of TAT faster - so they are done first

So why if you bring up her name does she ONLY do ERs? No op notes, none of the hard dictators? Almost a year ago they threw a fit about a "handful" of MTs that were hired not to do OP notes were all the sudden thrown into doing them but she doesn't have to do them or the hard dictators? And then all of the other supervisors are allowed to pick and choose? Now. The way the pools are every job is from a different account, different work type and the crappiest dictators.. this is total Bullsh*t. Meanwhile the op notes and procedure notes, history and physicals are out of turnaround because it's not what the supervisors can pad their lines with.


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