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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 55)

About the cherry picking... - We get the pits.

Posted: Aug 13th, 2016 - 3:58 pm In Reply to: Synernet Cherry Picking AGAIN/STILL - SMH

About the cherry picking...

Here's the problem: B is abusing the system. (She's not the only one...and it's not hard to see who does this.) It's dishonest, it's stealing, and it keeps happening ad nauseum, regardless of how many times one of us brings it up to the management. B's hand gets slapped and she tries to stay in line for a week or so until the dust settles, and then she goes right back to it. She always finds a deceitful loophole for her actions.

As for wasting our time looking up this information, really? Most of us waste at least an hour or two per week looking up all the acct specs for the 8 or more accounts we are responsible for in those brilliant color pools (brainchild of JT) and searching sample reports to figure out what the motor-mouth or ESL is spitting out at us. So what's another 30 seconds to do a job search for a certain supervisor and/or a certain doctor to see who is getting all the easy work?

Do a search for B this week and take a gander at all the normals and ED reports she did. Un-freakin-believable. She had a really tough week. How many reports did you do this week? How many of them made you want to pull your hair out or cry or hit something really hard or quit? Or all of the above?

It's unfortunate that the only place we feel safe to voice our opinions is under the cloak of anonymity. If we reveal ourselves, there will be hell to pay.

So much for the Synernet Code of Conduct. Apparently, only the MTs have to follow this. The people who lord their superiority over us are held to a much lower standard


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