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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 46)

roll with it - synmt

Posted: Aug 13th, 2016 - 1:16 pm In Reply to: so sit here and whine about it- where will it get you? - geez already

Just let it roll? Oh hell no....stand up and fight for your rights. I think that is what everyone here is trying to do.. fight for their rights for equal distribution of work. We all have to take the good with the bad, that's a given, I believe the point here is that just because someone is a supervisor and in a position to see what's out there waiting should not give them the right to jump all over the place and take easy money. Why aren't the supervisors in a pool/cluster like the rest of us? That might solve this problem. There should not even be a reason for them to switch pools to do a stat with as many employees as we have and always someone in each pool.


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