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Company Board Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 46)

No I am an MT and never said it hasnt changed- - I am only pointing out

Posted: Aug 14th, 2016 - 11:14 am In Reply to: Typical MGT response - Belittle the worker

that instead of complaining about a situation, either deal with it professionally or find another job. My point is there are more important things in life to complain about rather than worry what other people are doing. Just worry about yourself. Do the best job you can and try not to complain so much. It will only make you miserable. It will make you a much better person. Try being positive. It is hard to do. Yes transcription is the pits, but it is a job that I choose to do and I will do until I retire more than likely if it lasts that long. Yes this job is very stressful and very hard, so why make it harder on yourself than to find something to complain about? let it go.


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