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Yes, you would. I did when MM filed Chapter 11. sm - Proof

Posted: Jul 12th, 2019 - 11:47 pm In Reply to: bankruptcy - proof

What difference does it really make? So she declared Chapter 11 on one of her companies to reorganize. It doesn't mean a thing. Big business loan? Probably the mortgages on the condo and office. All creditors are notified, even if they are not owed anything, and anyone who bills them for anything, like utilities. In a Chapter 11, everyone is paid, usually under different terms. Selling her condo and office would pay some of those off. I think that's better than closing up and everyone loses. This way, they can pay things off and be able to move on. That's probably what she referred to in the company email about past mistakes.

Of course, the hateful people on here want to burn her at the stake and the moderators let it happen.

I think it's good that they learned from mistakes and are trying to fix it all. I am one of the ones who is sticking it out. Now I am sure that I will be called names as that seems to be the norm here.

I just could never be as hateful as some of the posters here.


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