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Article in October's issue of Reader's Digest.... - Mist

Posted: Sep 24, 2010

Reader's Digest, October issue, has an article based on physicians, nurses and pharmacists sharing their mistakes which caused fatal incidences.  It could be a good time to write in a response on what is happening with the medical records too.  You know, the errors made with voice recognition, lousy dictation either because of doctors, equipment or environment, and the fact that we are required to have 98% accuracy in transcribing reports, not to mention the off shoring....

Perfection anyone? - MT

[ In Reply To ..]
With all this imperfection in the medical world, I keep wondering why the MTs are expected to be so darn perfect!!

Ever watch Family Guy? - akameg

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Can't help but think of the pecking order of the world and in the medical field. Are we not sort of the like the "Megs" of the medical family/pecking order? They are allowed to be idiots and get away with it but we have to rise above or else. Just sayin....


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Speaking of pecking order, this reminds me of something that has been on my mind quite a bit lately. A certain manager at an MTSO refers to MTs as "peeps." At first, I wondered what the connection between an MT and a peep could possibly be. I mean, when I think of a PEEP, I think of those soft, marshmallow treats that are often sold during Eastertime and maybe during other times of the year as well. I guess they are called PEEPS because they are made to resemble little chicks.

So, in my imagination, I guess a PEEP would be anyone whose main purpose is to be consumed like candy? Or someone who is similar to a little chick, moving about, trying to establish it's position amongst its fellow peeps, eating crumbs from the ground, following the mama hen? I don't know. I guess I have too much time on my hands while sitting here waiting for jobs.

You all have a nice day.
"peeps" - shorthand for people?
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Isn't "peeps" just shorthand for people?
? - MT
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Maybe, but I thought it was short for baby chicks.
peeps - EAL
[ In Reply To ..]
Peeps was made popular a few years ago - "my peeps" - I think meaning friends or acquaintances, not sure, too old for the new slan

I think - earlymusicus

[ In Reply To ..]
it's so they can have a handy scapegoat.

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