A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Graduating October 30, 2012 Looking for work - Karla

Posted: Oct 02, 2012

I will be finished with school at the end of this month. Does anyone hire recent grads? How can I get into the field if everyone wants to hire only those with experience? I could use some help on this. Please let me know if anyone has any advice.

Thank you,


They will test new grads - If you took a good course

[ In Reply To ..]
If you went to one of the 2 good distant learning schools, a few companies will be happy to test you. You would have to pass their test first, of course, before they hire you. You don't say what course you took.

New Hire Jobs - kristi

[ In Reply To ..]
I have been at M-Modal (formerly Spheris) for 4 years now and I know they hire new grads all the time. I loved Spheris but when M-Modal took over, everything went downhill as far as giving us raises, quality software and equipment, so I would not advise going there but I do know they are always hiring new grads. I'm now taking a test to change over to SoftScript. Heard they are great and hire new grads too.

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