A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

October post - Rusty

Posted: Nov 06, 2014

I read/responded to an October post, and can't find it.  Down at the bottom of the main board are places to click for previous months, but not October, and the page only goes so far.  I cannot find anything to click for next page.  Is that stupid, or what?  Thanks

Try typing a key word in search box - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
If you remember a few words you typed in your post, you could search by those words, plus type 2014. That'll narrow it down.

here's October for you - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
Here's a way to access October. Click the link below.


Those did not work - Rusty

[ In Reply To ..]
Those did not work. I only was able to get 10 items for each search I did. But thanks anyway. Will think of something else.

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