Article about Nuance - causing local job loss
Posted: Feb 19, 2011I don't work for Nuance or the other 3 MTSOs listed, but I found this article clear and with devastating details about the exact cost of what happens to the local economy when employers opt to switch to the offshoring companies:
or search "University of Utah Hospital sending local jobs overseas"
"Hundreds of people just like Rachelle are losing their jobs at medical transcription companies the hospital hires including 33 from MED-Scribe, 18 from Summit Transcription and eight from Superior Transcription. Each job lost injects up to $40,000 into Utah's economy every year...
Hospital spokespeople say "Nuance" has a new
more efficient computer transcribing system. It will increase efficiency and cut cost by 2-cents-per-line. The savings could be in the millions each year. This is little comfort to the Utah employee's who may be out of a job in less than two weeks. "My family is going to be devastated. We're at risk for not paying bills," said Martin.
Utah tax payers give the University of Utah Medical Center $4.7 million a year. It is the umbrella organization over the hospital. Hospital spokesman Christopher Nelson says $4.7 million is only .05 percent of the organization's $837 million budget, which is not enough to make a difference in this case."
I think the last 2 paragraphs are telling, i.e. cut cost by "could be in the millions" vs. Utah tax payers giving $4.7 million a year. Let's pay taxes so you can take away our jobs.
Please more articles about this that focus on local effect and are coherent about everyday people like us. And moderator, I do believe it belongs in the Company Board, as Nuance and the other 3 MTSOs are companies which affect us.