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Company Board

I signed a contract . . . - TTS LIES

Posted: Oct 23rd, 2015 - 1:48 pm In Reply to: That's the problem - ABC

And TTS never honored that contract . . . they lie about every thing . . . they will have you sign their initial offer letter and then they never honor it . . . NEVER!!! they will string you along and make what money they can off of you . . . they also say they are family owned and this is not true, they also say they do not offshore or support offshoring, this is not true, the fact that 99% of their volumes come from NUANCE accounts, yes NUANCE, they do indeed support offshoring by supporting NUANCE through a subcontract . . .

If you see a post that is hostile and gibberish, that is the owner . . . she does very little work because she is too busy engaging in the most petty issues and she brings a whole new name to micromanagement, control freak, you name it . . . and they get very threatened if you are the slightest bit intelligent, and it is not very hard to be more intelligent than the owner . . .


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