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Company Board

I bet the have an idle alarm for each MT. - Amber

Posted: Oct 21st, 2015 - 2:09 pm In Reply to: Yes, you monitored every second and need to - be working every second of your

It used to really irritate me as dictators often only spit out the last name of an MD they want to cc and usually it is a foreign name which can be spelled 7 or more different ways. These can take longer than 3 minutes to find and then narrow down if there are more than one. You are not allowed to just transcribe only the last name. To have to stop to send an email to the supervisor explaining this to her after receiving this "idle time" Yahoo message is really a waste of my valuable time! It steals our productive time, which can lead to termination if you don't produce the required lines. That was one of the reasons I left. TTS is the most micromanaged MTSO I have worked for. It's a slap in the face to an experienced MT to run a company with the attitude that we are all out to get them, take advantage of a situation or take long breaks to rip them off. I can't work under that type of micromanagement. Any good supervisor knows to treat staff with respect UNTIL there is wrongdoing.


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