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Company Board

Not believable story at all. Other - things that played into it

Posted: Oct 21st, 2015 - 6:00 am In Reply to: Extremely enforced to the point of stupidity - anonymous QC

If you were fired for taking time away from keyboarding, how long were you gone each time, 5 minutes, 10 minutes or longer? I personally do not believe your fired story, something else was playing out but probably will not hear that. Absolutely rubbish to keep telling people not enough time to go to the bathroom. Seriously? After hearing these stories without a doubt I feel most are taking advantage of the company rather than the other way around, i.e. like the lady who was fussing because she is not allowed enough time to walk her dogs during the day. If she worked in an office, would she be able to do that? Take off from work, go home and walk the dog. Absolute rubbish, all of this.


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