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Good decision. My monitoring experiences.. - Amber

Posted: Oct 20th, 2015 - 2:40 pm In Reply to: Before I even made it to the interview, I read - sm

They have you open a Yahoo Messenger account, so they can message you while in the middle of a report. I remember one very long, about 5 page report by an ESL. I had to look up previous reports to try and make English words out of what was coming out of his mouth. I finally completed the report and upon closing it, I find, hidden underneath it, about 20 yahoo messages stating that it was taking a long time to do this report, and if it is not completed in ___ minutes, it would be returned to the pool. These yahoo messages can't be seen while you are in a report, only after finishing it, so you can spend a lot of time on a very difficult report and never get paid for it because they returned it to the pool. In addition to not being able to see this message until you close the report, they issue this message no longer how long the dictation is.

Monitoring experience #2:
I have hay delivered a couple of times a month. They can't give me an exact time it will be delivered, so while working I do have to get up and run outside to pay the guy & tarp the hay (about 15 minutes). I got a message about my "inactive" time and upon explaining they found out that I left the report on the screen while going outside. I explained to them that I live alone, and no one could see the report on the screen. I was then told that this was a serious "HIPAA violation" because if a disaster struck while I was out paying the hay man, like a flood, earthquake, avalanche, terrorist attack, etc. and I were killed, that someone else may go into my home and read that report. I was told that when the hay arrives, no matter how far along I am in a report, I have to send the report back to the pool and lose the portion completed... just in case there is a flood, etc.

The other problem is that with this monitoring, you cannot take your dogs outside to relieve themselves. Again, you have to lose all you have done on a report and send it back to the pool. After a few days, realizing there was no way to have a logical conversation with this supervisor I quit.


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