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You said "they have you open up a Yahoo - messenger" and I replied

Posted: Oct 21st, 2015 - 3:42 pm In Reply to: Let me try to explain this to you... - Amber

I have worked there years and never had a Yahoo messenger set up. You put it like everyone working there required to be on open Yahoo messenger and that is not true. Others talk about the owner and I have, in the many years working there, only talked with her 2 times. Those times were only when she was zooming in on my computer, at my request, to fix something on my end. I have never had her come down on me about anything. Two times in over 5 years is the only times I have talked with her and then computer related only. As far as the owner coming here on MTstars all the time, I doubt very seriously that happens and it just goes to show you that if you post here and not against TTS then it must be management here, cannot be just an MT like the rest here. I am not micromanaged, never have been, not on messenger now nor in the past, I work, they sent me direct deposit and done. I may not be on their "crap" list because I do my work, don't take 15 minutes to run and get hay, 15 minutes to walk my dogs and 30 minutes to get my hair done, on their time, don't know just guessing. People want to work from home but don't make us be under any restrictions, just let us work whenever we want and do whatever we want. We are trained MTs with ____ (fill in the blank) years of service and we are professionals. Yeh, sounds like it.


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