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Spending the afternoon crying my eyes out - sm

Posted: Dec 04, 2014

Just so sick of the run-around by Nuance and the crappy speakers. Feel so trapped.

Rent Gone with the Wind .. do as Scarlet - does - especially the end..

[ In Reply To ..]
Cry a little, dust off your skirt (or pants) and figure something out!!!

don't let them win or do this too you!

(I am working through the same thing myself)

Good luck!

Don't get mad, get EVEN! Get creative. - There are lots of things you can do....

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Work slowdown, non-proofreading, intentional sabotage by mucking up reports and sending them through, even calling the clients and alerting them to what is REALLY going on behind the transcription of their medical records.

Or, just make it easy for yourself, and quit now. It's not like you're going to be making much more working for this unscrupulous company than you would being without work entirely. By not wasting 90% of your waking hours working for these fools, you'll have the time, along with the peace and quiet, to find a REAL job.

Remember that's someone's loved one please - SafetyFirst

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Don't get even by putting that patient in jeopardy. If you feel that strongly that you need to do that, just walk away. No one needs you to be so petty as to do that and screw with their life like that. Grow up or walk away.

I'm the OP - sm

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I would never put a patient's life at risk, FYI. Thx.

Just fer-instances. So call the client and tip - them off, which will HELP the pt.

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