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NJA on Sunday afternoon in the North - Crazy Aces

Posted: Oct 28, 2012

This really blows....

You are not alone. I can always tell when we have - no work because

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we don't hear a peep out of our CCMs.

I called unemployment and got it--even part time - Lee

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I have had NJA for weeks--got unemployment for hours missed

If every MLS in every company started applying for - unemployment during times of NJA

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these MTSOs might start to feel it as their UI ratings jump. Think of thousands of MLS who qualify for UI, but probably don't know or don't bother. If all started doing this, it surely will have a financial impact on these companies.

NJA? - prissy

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I'm new to this site, so what is NJA?

No jobs allocated or - outta work

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