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Eyes don't want to focus - MT4Eight

Posted: Dec 04, 2009

My eyes do not want to focus today.  I have to actually think and make them focus on my computer screen.  I had to put my glasses on already today.  Does anyone else have this problem ever?  Is this an occupational hazard or is there something wrong with me? 

I do work a FT job and a PT job totalling over 60 hours a week, maybe my eyes are just extremely tired. 

Mine are like that, too. - Backwards typist

[ In Reply To ..]
I've had that problem for a few years.I already wear glasses - near-sighted and astimatism both eyes, plus bifocals.

Get an eye exam if you haven't done it in 2 years. I wound up having cataracts now, too, yet doc told me my eyes are getting better because I can watch TV without my glasses and every thing is much sharper and clearer, except the computer screen.

Eye focus problems here too - ??

[ In Reply To ..]
I have noticed the same problem for the last couple weeks now. I sit in front of the PC all day. I focus on that with my glasses just fine. Still, when I leave my computer, it is hard to focus on other things that are farther than 5 feet or so.

I think it is partly occupational and partly just my aging eyes. I would suggest the OP get an eye exam just to be sure.

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