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Webmedx - hidden charges in Health Spending Account - no communication as usual

Posted: Dec 29, 2010

Today I get the paperwork from the HSA that we had the option to join for the new insurance.  Included is a bunch of tasks they want us to hurry up and do (which we cannot do since they have not given us insurance cards and their website won't let us register without numbers off the card).  Also included is an "account fee and rate schedule".  They get to charge us $15 to set up the account and $2.95 every month thereafter.  They say this "may" be paid by our employer (yeah, like they "may" contribute to our 401k and never do!).

I am furious that these charges were never even HINTED at during their uncoordinated, confusion ridden, rushed benefits sign up period.  They gave us neither enough time or enough information to make informed choices.  Now those of us who opted for this are locked into the amount we calculated to contribute for an entire year.  It would have been VERY HELPFUL to be shown a fee schedule BEFORE we were forced to make a decision so we could have adjusted our contributions accordingly (or chosen not to pay a bank $3 a month for something that used to be free with traditional medical spending accounts).

Again, the communication ball was dropped.  It feels like Webmedx is dedicated to finding ways of causing their MTs to lose money - but selling us a product with hidden costs is a new low.  For SHAME!

What did you expect from Webquist? nm - anon

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webquist.... Bwwaaaahhhh ha ha ha - that is too funny

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Frankly, I dunno - no communication as usual

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Guess I was conned into feeling they were actually thinking of their employees and giving us a choice to spend more or spend less on insurance. Didn't realize my "choice" came with arbitrary fees that I was unable to budget for because I was not aware of their existance. That grinds my gears. Wonder how much kickback on these "maintenance fees" they'll get from the bank. Makes me sick to my stomach.

Let me get this straight. - see message

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There is a fee from the company that manages the HSA account. That amount is less than 3 bucks a month and you were "unable to budget for it." Three bucks a month is going to send your budget into a tailspin? Seriously now.

It would have been nice to know to add $50/year - in hidden fees at signup
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We were forced to give a figure for how much we wanted deducted for this spending account without the proper information. Add their maintenance fee to the account set up fee of $15, that's $50 I should have added to the yearly figure - and certainly would have had I known. So now $50 of what I earmarked for my medical spending isn't going to go there if I stick with this bank or can't find another with a better deal. Maybe YOU only work for spending money - I'm the sole breadwinner with no safety net. I find sneering at the cost inappropriate here - if we are to be told the cost of our insurance we should be told the ENTIRE cost, not one figure at sign-up time and additional fees added after we are locked into it. It just isn't right. Its deceptive. Maybe small deceptions don't bother YOU. They bother me, because they add up.

Well, I did a little reading (during the meeting actually) - Pragmatist

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and confirmed that we could set up our HSA in the institution of our choice. Further of note, interest rates tend to be higher on HSA accounts than normal savings accounts. Something to look into. As balances grow (fingers crossed), they can also be rolled over into securities for hopefully higher returns (*see note below).

You know, setup and maintenance fees until a certain balance is reached may not be QUITE as unreasonable as you're assuming, although I too want them waived. Many people will not be able to maintain a reasonable minimum balance as their bills suck the tax-free money out as fast as it comes in.

In any case, since handling our affairs is, as always, our own job, I did my research and assume I'll establish mine with a credit union we've done business with for years--unless I find a better interest rate elsewhere.

* HSA's were agreed on between the parties as a vehicle, even though the current administration opposed them initially, because they work beautifully as a tax dodge for those looking for more places to put their money. Remember the rep saying her physician and attorney clients all put the annual max in? In any case, that means they are set up to benefit those who fortunate enough to be able to accumulate funds this way.

BY THE WAY, EVERYONE: Find out how to make as much of your health care as possible appear on the books as preventative care. Visits, treatments, and procedures agreed to be considered and paid as preventative are covered 100%. We need to work with our doctors to maximize this category of coverage and even find a new doc if the old one isn't knowledgeable enough about these new regulations or helpful enough. We're talking potentially some big money here. As I'm writing this, I've decided to start my new year off with an annual physical exam (covered 100%), with some time requested for discussion of this issue. Better now than after a problem pops up.

Thanks pragmatist - lack of communication as usual

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I hope you keep us posted if payroll gives you any hassle about directing the money to a place other than their bank of choice, since they have given us absolutely no forms or procedure by which to do so.

You're welcome. My bank has all the forms needed, - though. These are OUR accounts. NM

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Insurance fraud??? - Just sayin. nm

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Oh please. Fraud? I love it how words like that just get tossed around - on these boards. nm

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Webbie and insurance setup - Not a webbie but concerned

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I am not a webbie but I work for another company and we recently were rushed through an insurance set-up, too. I did not dare not do it (I am a single mom) but it was done so quickly that I did have much time to review, etc. Why does it have to be this way?

At Webmedx they gave us plenty of time to review the info... - see message

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and make an informed decision. Also, our HR dept was available for phone calls and questions etc.

Personally, I was impressed with the packet of information we received. Thought it was better than last year. I thought it was well put-together. I am a Webbie MT and have no gripes.

time to review? - anon

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Geeeshh i got the packet, and could not listen in on to the phone message. Kept waiting for the promised post of the phone call, which took about a week, then from that time there was only I believe about 1 more week before making our choices, and this was during Christmas time as well! I have to say I was glad they gave us choices, but I felt pressured and short on time and went with the traditional.
Horrible choice - I agree
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Ah, to choose paying $9000/yr (family of 4) for virtually nothing but the ability to go to the doctor for a $30 co-pay and some other lids on costs ($3000 deductible $10,000 OOP) OR to go with the $7000/yr sounds-like-a-nightmare-figuring-it-out, I-can't-afford-to-save-anything-so-it-might-as-well-all-come-off-my-taxes-with-the-other-one. Not a real choice for me, I also chose the traditional one. The question is with $200 a week in insurance premiums, for which you virtually get handed bill, bill, bill at the end of it, why does anyone think this health insurance system is so great? I can only imagine it is the ones who pay zero or much less. Who can I sue to explain to them that for $9000/yr I should get everything after that free, hunh? Ridiculous.
As a qualifier, I should say that WMX coverage - is better than most
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I was to the point of interviewing with another MTSO when things were a little shaky and I was aghast to find that their premiums were even higher and offered even less. So I have no complaint with WMX, they did negotiate us the best plan they could and they do give you heaps of support, with a few phone numbers to call for info, nurse line, etc.

You must be kidding or - work at a different Wmx

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Plenty of time would have been a month. Adequate time would have been about 2 1/2 weeks. Not one week during the holidays. Definitely not adequate time to review ALL the change ups in our health, vision and dental.

Since when has our HR department EVER picked up a phone or returned a phone call? They certainly ignore mine - I usually have to email repeatedly and go over people's heads just to get an answer at all.

Let me guess - you're on hubby's cheaper, better insurance so none of this actually affects you at all, am I right?
HR - replies
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I've always received a timely response from HR via email, which I prefer to phone calls so I can save the information. Also, I agree we were given enough time to review the information. I researched my choices and made a decision with time to spare, so I don't know...maybe you're a procrastinator?? Just sayin'
The procrastinators are in HR - my experience differs
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HR missed their own deadlines for getting us the information REPEATEDLY and had to keep pushing them back, yet you suggest I am the procrastinator here? They sent us a bale of paperwork to read through and decipher (on our OWN time of course) and threatened us with NO insurance at all if we missed THEIR deadline. I don't appreciate pressure tactics like these during the holidays. There is no reason they can't have this stuff to us right after Thanksgiving next year - hope the suits take the hint! There is no reason they can't give us a comparison sheet of what we had vs what we are being offered next to simplify the process. There is no reason they can't disclose the ENTIRE cost of an offered product prior to demanding our decision.
I'll bite. Please tell me what company pays their employees... - see message
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...to read through benefit information.

When you gripe that HR:

"sent us a bale of paperwork to read through and decipher (on our OWN time of course)"

...that sounds ridiculous. So, you are saying the company was supposed to somehow track the time it took the employees to read benefit information and pay everyone for their time? Give me a break.

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