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Sick of spending so much time reading emails, printing new client profiles, sm - broke

Posted: Apr 26, 2013

waiting for work, trying to figure out the protocol for no work, trying to figure out remedy, remembering all the different passwords, wondering if my time card is correct because I clock in and out so much on a daily basis!  I have never, ever been no nitpicked to death.  I feel like an unpaid prisoner in my own home.  My printer right now is just about smokin because of all the crap I have to print just to remember all this garbage!  MM = MICROMANAGEMENT!!!!!  I do believe the goal of this company is to get all of us down to minimum wage, preferably to do their work for them for free.  I have been keeping track of all the time that I'm spending on "non-paid" time for this company and it is extremely distressing.  Sorry, just needed to vent and you guys are the only ones who understand.  I know, I know, it's time to move on but having a difficult time finding something right now, but jobs are picking up in my area so I'm hopeful at least. 

You need a little notebook to write down you passwords. - Not just MM but ALL of them. nm

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well so much for understanding - nm

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I understand. And I was offering a suggestion to help. - Geesh. nm

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WE SHOULD BE PAID - Sick and tired

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I am so frustrated also!! Actually there is a law, the Fair Labor Standards Act enacted in 1938, that is supposed to protect workers from not getting paid for "physical or mental exertion that is controlled or required by employer." We really need to look into this more. There was an article in my local paper. I was thinking of emailing the editor with some questions....

WE need to look into it? Why dont YOU look into it - starting with your letter to the editor? nm

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Micromanaged? I sit here 5 days a wk and seldom hear from - anyone at MM. This is the most

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independent job I have ever worked, no nitpicking or anything. Occasional daily updates for accounts, occasional emails from QC about changes, but nothing more than that. Very impersonal, let alone micromanaging.

yes, we know - you love it here

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Perfect little cheerleader, you should enjoy your trip to Florida. Kiss a dolphin for me, huh?

I would if I were gonna be here long enough. I have - another job. This is my last wk. SM

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And not a cheerleader, just wondering how working for a company this size, that is so impersonal can one feel micromanaged?

I mean seriously, If I wanted to get in my car and drive around the block to get ice cream while punched in and in the middle of a report, I could and no one would even know...there have been times I have stopped and ran down the street to the store and came back while clocked in and no one has ever said a word. I mean honestly, how can anyone feel micromanaged working here?
she's right - at least thats been my experience
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I know it's not the same for everyone, but no one messes with me here, about schedules, production, even much about QA.
She's right-Same here - oldtimer
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Nobody messes with me either, just e-mail weekly updates. I love it.

So true about MModal not micromanaging - anon

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I work for Nuance, as well as MModal, and get dozens of emails every single day and have to be signed in to IM and at their beck and call every second. If I am 5 minutes late for shift, the phone rings. If I take a lunch break, my IM rings. QA emails constantly at Nuance for picky little things.

You want to see micromanaging, move on over to Nuance.

Maybe I work for a different MModal. I seem to be (sm) - broke

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spending so much time clocking in and out when there is no work, making sure that I'm doing Remedy correctly and that it coincides with the time that I am actually without work, trying to make up time and emailing TSM. It is also getting increasingly difficult to make my line count because clocking in and out takes time and when I do have work I'm jumping around all over the place. I have never had this much trouble maintaining both my hours and line counts, and then the constant begging of working extra when the volume is up and then the constant threat of looking at schedules when volume is down. It's just driving me nuts and I needed to vent.

I have a feeling you have my TSM in the North. - nm

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unpaid time - anon

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I had this thought this morning about MM's NJA policy. We are sitting around waiting for the reports to come in for that golden 15 minute period without getting paid except for that one time a day if we make it to 15 minutes without a job. Has anyone ever thought of contacting their city's/county's/state's labor board and seeing if this is illegal? It seems like it has to be illegal if we follow the policy that MModal wants us to do. Any thoughts?

Wow, I could have written your post. I feel - MT

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the same way. It seems like my TSM worries more about me getting my timesheet correct than she does providing me with work. You would think these TSMs would have a little more compassion when they see all of these Remedy tickets for NJA, but they don't seem to care. If I were a TSM, I would feel bad for my MTs and at least try to help improve their NJA situation somehow.

We must have the same one. - see message

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I thought it was funny when she said if we were an hour short on a day to make sure to allocate that other hour on our timesheets. Some days, I've been lucky to get an hour of work! Every single day is short many many hours. She seems so clueless sometimes........

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