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Printing out .acl entries from Word!!-HELP PLEASE - brainfogmt

Posted: Apr 02, 2011

I was hoping someone could help me out. I need to print out a copy of all my .acl (auto-correct) Word entries that I have made over the years. I applied for a job and it is very possible that I will not be able to copy them into that new platform. I know there is a set of instructions on how to do this, had them, but misplaced them. All of my auto-corrects are in the Word 2000 and I have them also on a flash drive. I just want to be able to print out a hard copy so I can start entering them in a bit at a time into the new one. Can someone help me or direct me to how to do this? (I checked the Microsoft website, but must be putting something in incorrectly cause I get nothing). Very many thanks in advance.

Printing out autocorrect - OldHandAtThis

[ In Reply To ..]

Try this macro:

Sub PrintOutAutoCorrectList()
Dim A As Long: A = AutoCorrect.Entries.count
Dim aEntry As AutoCorrectEntry
Message = "You have " & A & " autocorrect entries!"
For Each aEntry In AutoCorrect.Entries
On Error Resume Next
Selection.TypeText "[" & aEntry.Name & "<>" & aEntry.Value & "]" & vbCr
Next aEntry
MsgBox Message
End Sub



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